In this bar he met Wayne Brown (J.T.Walsh) , the owner of the bar and a Sherief in Red Rock. Wayne Brown thought that Michael was Lyle (Dennis Hopper), a killer who he commanded to kill his wife. Then wayne asked to Michael if he is Lyle and come from Dallas and coming to this town to do a job. Without thinking Michael who need a job said yes to what Wayne asked to him. And turn out Wayne command Michael to kill Suzanne (Lara Flynn Boyle), his wife. And then Michael went to Suzanne's house, in there he didn't kill her but he told to Suzanne about the truth. And he got more money from Suzanne to kill Wayne. But he didn't what Wayne and Suzanne command to him. He just picked up the money and go.
Unfortunately, in his way as he left Red Rock he hit a man. Then he must go back to Red Rock to brought this guy to the hospital. In here he met Wayne again, wayne realized that he had been lied by Michael. Wayne is really upset and he want to killed Michael, but Michael can escape from Wayne. And then Wayne met real Lyle and told to him what has happened. Wayne and Lyle looking for Michael to killed him. And Michael went to Suzanne's house to help Suzanne from the real Lyle.
Finally, Michael know the truth that Wayne and Suzanne were robber and wanted by FBI. And Lyle know too about the truth, then he take Michael, Suzanne, and Wayne to go to cemetery to take wayne and Suzanne's loot money. In this cemetery, scramble of loot money occurred, and then Michael and Suzanne can escape from this situation. They escaped from that cemetry by the train, and Suzanne succed to bring the money. The police who know this incident pursue Michael and Suzanne. In the train, Suzanne want to have all the money and she want to kill Michael with the gun. But no bullet in the gun, then Michael throw away all the money out of the train and he pushed Suzanne out of the train too. And finally Suzanne arrested by the police and Michael succeed go away by the train and get some money.
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